Holy Trinity Wonston

Welcome to Holy Trinity Church
Holy Trinity Church in Wonston is the Parish Church for the villages of Wonston, Sutton Scotney and Norton. People have worshipped here for over 1,000 years and it continues to be the main focus of spiritual life for the local community.
The church is in a peaceful rural setting at the eastern end of Wonston village, off the road to Stoke Charity and Micheldever and close to the River Dever. In its churchyard are buried the ancestors of many families who have lived and worked here over hundreds of years.
The church is open every day for quiet prayer and reflection and a service is held here practically every Sunday throughout the year. The usual pattern of services is shown towards the bottom of this page and everyone is welcome at all these services. If you are not a regular churchgoer, you don’t need to worry about what to do at the services as the clergy and worship leaders will always try to make the services easy to follow.
Most of the services are traditional in nature and we normally use the Book of Common Prayer, but the service on the first Sunday in the month is a more informal family service using modern language and with the active involvement of children. At some of the 11.00am services we also run a Sunday School for children either at the back of the church or in a nearby house.
Coffee and biscuits are also served after some of the services and this is an ideal opportunity for making new friends and renewing old friendships.
Wonston church is part of the Upper Dever Benefice which, together with the churches of the Lower Dever Benefice, forms the Dever Group Ministry. If the service at Wonston is not at the time when you wish to go to church, or you simply want to experience a different type of service, there is generally a wide choice available in the Dever Group each Sunday. Forthcoming services in the Upper Dever Benefice are listed on the Services page and a full listing of services in the Dever Group are listed each month in The West Dever News, copies of which are available from Holy Trinity Wonston.
A fortnightly service is also held at Sutton Manor Nursing Home for those residents who are not able to come to church; these services alternate between a service of Holy Communion and a non-communion service.
There are 3 primary schools within the area served by the Dever Group - two are Church of England schools at Micheldever and Barton Stacey and the third is the County Primary at South Wonston which shares the same site as St Margaret’s Church. The clergy are closely involved with activities at all these schools.
Wonston church has a fine set of bells which are rung every week and we are always looking for new members to join the bell-ringing team. If you are interested in exploring the art of Bell Ringing please look at the Bell Ringing page for details.
One of the highlights of the social life of the parish is the annual church fete held in July.
It costs over £30,000 per annum to maintain the church and churchyard and to meet the costs of the clergy, all of which has to come from voluntary giving and fund raising activities. If you would like to make a regular donation, please ask the clergy how this can be done in a tax efficient manner.
The monthly pattern of services at Wonston church is normally as follows:-
1st Sunday
8.00am Holy Communion
11.00am Family Service
2nd Sunday
11.00am Matins
3rd Sunday
11.00am Matins
4th Sunday
11.00am Holy Communion
5th Sunday
Varies – see notices
See the Services page for details of the current month services